Dev environment detected
siteStatus : LIVE
UmbracoDB: LIVE - Brightway.Umbraco.Prod
AgencyDB: LIVE - Brightway.Agency.Prod
MiddleTierDB: LIVE - Brightway.MiddleTier.Prod

1. Perform routine maintenance before you leave

-Removed dead trees and overhanging limbs around your home

-Unplug all appliances

-Have your heating system inspected and serviced by a licensed professional before the onset of cold

2. Prevent your home from appearing unoccupied

-Forward your mail

-Arrange for someone to remove snow after storms

3. Take steps to protect your home from thieves

-Confirm that alarm systems are working

-Secure external doors and windows with deadbolt locks or security hinges

-Store valuables in safe deposit box

4. Protect your pipes from water damage

-Turn off water supply to prevent pipe bursts and leaks while you’re

For media inquiries, please contact Don Foley at 904-490-8649